07732 864817

The Thrive Approach is designed to support and encourage the development of confident, curious, creative and capable young people who are open to learning and better equipped to deal with life’s ups and downs.
Thrive is an approach to working with children that is dynamic, as well developmental and trauma-sensitive. It aims to help adults know how to be and what to do in response to children's behaviour, thus working towards a world in which children's emotional and social needs are better understood and met.
The Thrive Approach is underpinned by a theoretical base of attachment theory, child development, neuroscience and an understanding of the role of play and the creative arts. At its heart is the understanding that all children's behaviour is an expression of their underlying needs. If these needs are recognized and met, children and young people will be able to flourish and learn.
At Transitions, the Thrive Approach underpins our work with young people. We use Thrive Online to ensure the support that we offer remains specifically tailored to the needs of each individual student who comes to us. Thrive Online also allows us to monitor our impact and to track the progress of our young people as they develop, socially and emotionally.